Saturday, November 28, 2009

Chak chak (dessert)

Chak chak is one of the favorite among our national desserts. Mostly, it is cooked on Eid (holy holiday), but I cook it anytime I want. It is a great dessert that can be kept for 2 weeks (but in my case, "chak chak" never lasted two weeks as it is eaten instantly:) )Just wrap "chak chak" with foil and store it in dark cold place, but not in a fridge. It is crispy and sweet, can easily substitute chips:).
for 5 middle sized plates you will need
6 eggs
a pinch of salt
baking powder or 1 tbs of vodka
Flour as needed
500 gr vegetable oil for frying
300 gr sugar
100 gr of water
350 gr honey
 You can use different kinds of nuts, chocolate chips, coconut flakes, toasted sesame seeds for decoration.
Separate egg whites from yolks. Beat egg yolks with mixer until they are light in color. Separately beat egg whites until it will form stiff peaks. Very carefully mix whites and yolks, add salt, baking powder or 1 tbs vodka. Carefully start adding flour, add some and then mix, add again and mix again. Feel the thickness of the dough.Your dough must be not too soft and not too hard. When you finished shaping out your dough, cover it and let it rest for 15 min. Then cut the dough in 7 equal pieces, and roll each piece separately in circles, (about 4 mm thick) and spread the oil on both sides. Cut out strips 1.5 inch wide, and cut the strips in to short sticks.
Heat the oil in a deep frying pan, put in the short sticks that you cut out from one piece of the dough and fry until light golden color. Repeat the same with other pieces. (Usually I cut out all the dough and then start frying) Set aside fried short sticks.
In a deep pan put all the sugar and water, and cook the syrup. Check the readiness of the syrup: just put some drops of syrup in cold water, when they easily turn to a soft boll, syrup is ready. Immediately add in honey to this syrup and simmer for 4-5 min,more, don't over boil.
Pour the syrup over the fried sticks while hot and carefully mix it with wooden spoon. Quickly serve on plates and shape them with your hands, gradually washing hands with cold water, otherwise, your hands will be sticky and it will be hard to shape the Chak chak on the plate. At the end, sprinkle some seeds on top or decorate it as you wish.
Yoqimli Ishtaha!!!


  1. Thank you for posting this recipe. I recently had chak chak for the first time and immediately fell in love with it.

  2. Could you please specify the amount of Flour. Can rice flour be used with that?

    Thanks in advance

    1. I never measure flour -my fault! I just feel my dough adding flour little by little. But next time I cook chak-chak, I will surely measure the flour for you, ok?

  3. I am so happy I found this recipe. It is perfect to share with my friends! :)

  4. Thank you so much!

  5. mmmm this tastes nice, thank u very much ;)

  6. What hapoened to 300g of honey. Is it mixed with sugar and water?

    1. Dear, you have to add honey to the boiling syrup (sugar and water)
