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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Rayhonli qora non (whole wheat bread with basil )

This bread smells so good, that you will just love it. And it's very useful too. Basil will help you sleep well and it gives some calming effect also. If you have weak heart than this bred is for you.
You will need:
300 ml of milk
200 ml of sour cream
Dried yeast 1 tbsp
Salt 2 teasp
Sugar 1 tbsp
Whole wheat flour as needed
100 gr of butter or olive oil
Fresh or dried basil(I use dried one)
1 egg, slightly beat
Sesame seeds
Warm up your milk, add butter, stir well until butter dissolves, add in salt, sugar, yeast and mix them. Add flour at a time and form dough. Cover dough and let is rise for 2 hours.
Take your dough, divide in 4. Roll up each piece and rub it with melted butter. Generously sprinkle with basil. Now roll it tight, around itself. Make long tube. Now
roll it in snail. Shape all your bread in this manner.
Preheat the oven, put each snail in baking sheet. Carefully flatten it a little. Punch it with "chakich" - stamper, brush with egg, and sprinkle some seeds on it. Bake until golden and enjoy this delicious bread ever:)
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!