Monday, January 25, 2010

Kiftalik kesma lagmon (Fried meatballs with noodles)

"Kiftalik kesma lagmon" is one of my favorites:) You can use ready noodles for this meal or make them yourself as me. Noodles are made just like in recipe of "Kesma lagmon". Use as much noodles as you need, usually I use 2/3 of my noodles for me, my husband and my sweet baby. You will make around 28 meatballs from this recipe. it is preferable to use short grain rice instead of long one, as short one is stickier then long one and it holds meat well.
300 gr of minced meat
100 gr of rice, washed
1 egg
Salt to taste
1 tsp of ground coriander
600 ml of oil for frying
5 big tomatoes, blended to puree
1 tbsp of butter
Make noodles as in recipe "Kesma lagmon", let them dry.
Combine together meat, rice, egg, salt and coriander, mix them well, then form small balls with your hands, you can rinse your hands in cold water while forming balls. it will make about 28 meatballs. It's up to you making them small or bigger, some people in Uzbekistan make them small, especially when they expect guests. My mum's meatballs are also small as she likes delicateness. I myself prefer big ones:) I like biting them:)After you finished making meatballs, put all the oil in deep frying pan and heat it up. Fry all your meatballs until golden, put half of your meatballs at a time. There must be enough place for them. When you finished frying them, very very carefully pour out all of the oil. Then pour blended tomatoes on to meatballs, add 100 ml of water and bring to boil. Then reduce the heat and cover the lid, continue to cook until tomato thickens, then add in salt. It's ready now. Boil 2 liter of water in another pan, to boil the noodles. when water start to hard boil add in salt and then add in noodles. Cook until they are soft. Take out and drain well, then add in 1 tbsp of butter and mix well.
Serve on to a dish, then put meatballs on top of it, sprinkle some fresh greens and enjoy!!! Yummy!!!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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