Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mayizli Palov (Raisin pilaf)

This type of pilaf is good for children. It is really sweet and tasty:) I myself love this recipe, because of raisins. You can cook this pilaf with or without meat, without it will be nourishing and tasty vegetarian food.
130 ml of oil
400 gr of meat, cut in big cubes
500 gr of peeled and cut in strips carrot
2 medium sized onions, peeled and sliced
400 gr of rice washed
160 gr of small raisins (sultana)
1.5 tbsp of turmeric
1 tbsp of cumin seeds
1 tbsp of ground coriander
Salt to taste
Heat the pan, pour in oil and wait until hot. Put in meat, fry until golden. Add in onion, continue frying until onions are golden. Add in carrot and mix well. Reduce the heat, cover the lid and cook for 20 min until carrots are soft. Add in 1 tbsp of salt, and all the spices but turmeric. Add in raisins and 100 ml of water, let it simmer for 20 min. Wash rice well and layer on carrots evenly, sprinkle 1.5 tbsp of turmeric on top of the rice and pour water enough to cover rice for 1 inch. Turn the heat on high and wait until all water will evaporate, don't forget to check for saltiness. Add some salt if needed. After all water evaporated close the lid, reduce the heat on very low. Cook for 15 min and mix only top of the rice. Again close the lid, continue cooking for 10 min more or until rice is soft and ready. Take from the heat, finely mix pilaf. Serve and enjoy!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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