Sunday, January 17, 2010

Oshi sholg'om qizilcha (Chicken soup with turnip and beetroot)

"Oshi sholg'om qizilcha" is prepared usually in spring, when body is weak. It is healthy soup, besides it is very easy to cook. This soup is full of flavors, you will surely enjoy eating it:)
500 gr of chicken (I took half of one whole chicken)
1 onion, peeled and sliced
1 medium sized carrot, peeled and cut in a half circles
1 small capsicum, cleaned and very thinly sliced
1 big turnip, peeled and cut in cubes
1 big beetroot, peeled and cut in cubes
3 medium sized tomatoes, blended to puree
1 potato, peeled and cut in medium pieces (optional)
Salt to taste
1 tbsp of ground coriander
Fresh chopped dill
2.5 liters of cold, pure drinking water
Put chicken in a cold water, bring water to boil, scoop out all the foam, then reduce the heat and with half closed lid let it simmer for 30 min. After add blended tomatoes, onion and capsicum. Let the soup simmer for 1 hour. Don't forget to stir it occasionally. After take out ready chicken and set aside. Put in turnip, beetroot and potato. Let the soup simmer for more 20 min, then add in ground coriander and salt. Cook for 5 min. Then take from the heat, and serve with chicken, sprinkling with fresh chopped dill leaves. Enjoy this tasty and healthy soup!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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