Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pomidor va piyozlik salat (Tomato and onion salad)

Usually "Pomidor va piyozlik salat" or as we also call it the second type of "Achchiq chuchuk" is served with pilafs. It goes good with pilaf and it helps digestion, as pilaf is not easily digested:) It is fresh and juicy salad. My mother likes the juice of tomatoes that remains at the bottom of the dish, and used to pour it into cup and drink it. Use juicy and ripe tomatoes for it.
2 big, ripe and ruby tomatoes
1 medium sized onion, peeled and very thinly sliced
Salt to taste
it is your choice to peel or not to peel tomatoes, I usually peel them, as they will give more juice. So, peel tomatoes and cut them in cubes or just slice it with sharp knife, add in onions, salt and mix carefully, don't over mix it, as tomatoes are very delicate as peeled. This is it! Your salad is ready, just serve and enjoy it with any kind of pilaf:)
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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