Friday, February 19, 2010

Pompoqcha somsa (Samsa with yeasty dough)

"Pompoqcha somsa" is soft and tender than other kind of samsas. It's dough is soft to bite and excellent for children as they will surely enjoy it.
300 ml of milk
1 tsp of salt
1 tbsp of sugar
1.5 tbsp of dried yeast
30 gr of butter
Plain flour
300 gr of minced meat
2 onions, peeled and finely chopped
1 tsp of ground coriander
1 tsp of cumin seeds
1 tsp of ground pepper
Salt to taste
1 egg yolk
Pepper or sesame seeds for sprinkling
Warm up the milk and add in butter, stir until butter will dissolve in milk. Add in salt, sugar and yeast. Mix well, then gradually add in flour until you form a dough. Cover it and set aside to warm place for rising, approximately for 1.5 hour.
Prepare the filling, mix meat, onion, salt, spices and stir all ingredients well.
Preheat the oven. Divide the dough to 20-25 equal pieces. You can make them bigger or smaller if you want, that's your choice. I make them in medium size. Roll out each piece to round shape (they must not be thin, roll out approximately half centimeter), put 1 tbsp of filling and pinch the edges. Brush "Pompoqcha somsa"s with an egg yolk, sprinkle some pepper or sesame seeds and bake until golden color. Take out from the oven and enjoy them!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!


  1. what a cute name "pompoqcha!"
    i make this kind of samsa with cheese and tomatoes. yummmm

  2. Hi to all.
    Very nice recipe.. Thanks.
    I made Samsa close to this recipe in my small tandoor with wood coal...ooh unbleavable taste.

    1. I am sure of it!!! Samsa in tandoor is unbelievably tasty!!!
