Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Qiymali atala (Flour soup with meat)

This soup is nourishing, tender and tasty. You will love it! It takes little time and effort to cook it. Besides it is useful for intestines.
40 gr of butter
4 tbsp of plain flour
600 ml of water
4 tbsp of vegetable oil
200 gr of minced meat
2 onions, peeled and finely chopped
Boil the water, pour it in bowl and set aside. In thick pan melt the butter, put flour and fry stirring until flour is light golden. Add fried flour in to the hot water and slightly whisk until no crumble will seen. Set aside.
Heat the oil in another pan and fry minced meat for 10 min, then add in finely chopped onions, continue frying until onions are golden. Now pour the flour mixture on it and stir well. Let it simmer until soup is thick and smooth. Stir occasionally. Don't over boil it. Take from the heat as soon as it is thick as heavy sour cream. Serve and enjoy this delicious soup!!!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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