Sunday, February 7, 2010

U'rik djemi (Apricot jam)

I love this jam! The flavor of apricot just makes me happy, it is so tasty. I never bye ready made jams from grocery stores, as I can make them at home, and this is much more tastier and healthier, because you know exactly what you put in there:), no preservatives and no food color! It is great for fillings of cakes, pancakes or just for sandwiches.
1 kg of apricot
1 kg of sugar
1 tsp of lemon essence
Wash carefully your apricots and remove the seed by halving them. Then mash apricots to puree in food processor or just chop finely. Add in all the sugar and mix well. Put on a medium heat and stirring bring to boil, let it simmer until it gets thick, don't forget stirring jam frequently or it will stick to the bottom of your pan. When it will be really thick, add in lemon essence and continue to cook for more 10 min. In this stage jam is very sticky, so stir it very frequently. Take from the heat, and pour jam in your sterilized and warmed glass dishes.
You will love this jam! It is very simple to make, but really tasty!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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