Monday, March 29, 2010

Baqlajon va pomidorli salat (Eggplant and tomato salad)

One of my favorite recipes, as I am mad about eggplant:) It's soft and tender, juicy and fresh salad. Try to select harder but dark red tomatoes for it.
3 medium sized eggplants, sliced
3 medium sized tomatoes
2 eggs, slightly beaten with a pinch of salt
Oil for frying
1 tbsp od coriander or 1 bunch of fresh chopped coriander leaves
Slice eggplants in to the circles. Put the eggplant circles in to the salty cold water for 20 min. Drain well and put on to the paper towel. Fry all of the circles dipping them in to the egg mixture on a little oil, until nice golden color.

Then cut them in strips like this:

Now quarter the tomatoes and cut out seeds, and cut the rest in to the same strips as an eggplant.

Mix together tomato, eggplant, chopped coriander or just ground coriander and salt. Mix carefully, don't mash up tomatoes. Your tasty salad is ready! Serve and enjoy:)
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

1 comment:

  1. ishtahamni ochivordingiz :) it looks so so delicious that I am dying on hunger :)

    Faqat bir narsa, haligi baqlajonni tuxum mixiga quying debsiz, tuxum bilan nimani aralashtirish kerak iltimos shuni aytib bering, men baqlajonni tuxumga botsam unga yana biror narsa kerakmi tuxum bilan qushihsga?

    Katta rahmat javob uchun va omad :)
