Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gusht va ismaloqlik non (Meat pie with spinach)

I love spinach!!! It is very very useful and healthy. This pie is just amazing, it's crumbly, tasty flavorous pie! Your kitchen will smell heavenly while baking this pie.It's good for breakfast and for a quick snack. In Uzbekistan pies and "Somsa"s with spinach and with another greens are often baked in spring, as in spring our body is weak and needs vitamins.
For dough:
130 gr butter
200 gr sour cream
2 eggs
Pinch of salt
2 tsp of baking powder
Plain flour as needed
For filling:
200 gr minced or finely chopped meat
1 big onion, peeled and chopped
300 gr of spinach, chopped
30 gr of butter, melted
1 tbsp of ground coriander
1 tsp of cumin seeds
1 small zucchini, cut in small cubes
Salt to taste
Prepare dough: grate hard butter, pour in sour cream and eggs, stir well, add in salt, baking powder and gradually start adding flour until you form a medium hard dough. It mustn't be soft. Cover it and let it rest in fridge for 20 min.
Mix together meat, chopped onion, spinach, zucchini salt and spices. Pour in melted butter and mix all together. Mix well until smooth.
Now take the dough divide in two equal pieces and roll them out. Put one piece on to the baking sheet and spread all of the filling on top. Cover it with the second rolled piece and carefully pinch the edges well. Bake in preheated oven until nice golden color. Take out, cut and serve as hot. You can also serve some sour cream with this pie. You can top your piece with cream and enjoy it!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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