Sunday, March 7, 2010

Kartoshka pyuresi (Mashed potato)

I understand that it is simple and ordinary dish but anyway I decided to post the recipe, just to show how I make it:). Mashed potato puree is very popular in Uzbekistan and is preferred side dish for many people.
4-5 potatoes, peeled and cut in medium pieces
Water for boiling
50 grams of butter
Salt to taste
1 egg
Canned green peas
Put potatoes into boiling water and cook until potatoes are very soft. Add in salt and cook for 5 min more. Drain the potatoes, saving a cup of water in this process.

Add in butter and enough water that was saved (add water gradually, to make the paste thick and smooth) into cooked potatoes and finely mash them. Well your mashed potato is ready at this stage, but if you want to serve it beautifully as I did, do the next thing: add 1 egg to mashed potatoes and mix well until no lumps. Grease the baking sheet. Preheat the oven. Put mashed potatoes in pastry bag with a special tip (that you use for decorating cakes) and squeez out some mashed mixture shaping a rose. Bake these "roses" until they are slightly golden in color. Put some green peas in to the middle and decorate with fresh green leaves. Enjoy your beautiful and yummy roses!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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