Saturday, March 13, 2010

Piyozli patir non (Layered bread with onions)

Once you will try this heavenly tasty bread, you will be dependent on it:) Surely try it and you will never forget the taste! It not so difficult to make and it goes good with soups and stews. I love the smell of this bread while cooking it!
500 ml of milk
50 gr of butter
1 egg
1 tbsp of salt
1 tsp of sugar
Plain flour as needed
150 gr of butter for greasing (you can use more or less)
6 medium sized onions, peeled ans sliced
1 egg for brushing
Sesame seeds or any other your favorite seed for sprinkling
Heat up milk and add in butter, salt, sugar. Mix well and let it cool a bit. Slightly beat an egg and add in milk mixture. Gradually add in flour and make the dough. It must be not so hard but not so soft. Cover it and let it rest for 1 hour. Don't skip waiting! After one hour, take the dough, knead it well for 5-6 min. Divide in to 3 equal pieces. Roll out each the dough in thin flat circle.

Finely grease with butter, then layer onions evenly on the surface.

Roll out around itself, forming long log. Roll again around forming snail. Put on your baking sheet and press it well with hands, trying to flatten it. Punch it well with "chakich" or a fork and brush with beaten egg, then sprinkle with some sesame seeds or any other seed you like.

Bake in preheated oven until golden in color. Serve while hot with hot soup or stew or just with hot tea with honey and butter, yum!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!


  1. I made this yesterday and it came out great !! I decided not to make all 3 like tis so I used the rest of the dough to make "torillas" and it came out great too!!
