Saturday, April 10, 2010

Asallik qulupnay (Strawberry with honey)

This is one of the healthy and natural desert of Uzbek people. It is useful and refreshing. I love to eat it with some pancakes, using it as a sauce. You can also top cakes with this desert. Or make cake rolls filling it with "Asallik qulupnay". try it it is just heavenly sweet!
600 gr fresh, ripe strawberries
300 gr of honey
1 tsp of lemon juice
Wash your strawberries carefully, take out stems and slice. Set aside. In a saucepan bring honey to boil and simmer over low heat until it will thicken well. When honey is heavily poured from spoon it is ready. But don't over boil it, or while pouring on strawberries it will just harden. Now pour honey as hot over strawberries and stir carefully, not to smash strawberries. Pour also 1 tsp of lemon juice in this stage. Let it cool. You can serve it as hot and as cool. I suggest to serve it with pancakes:)
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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