Friday, April 9, 2010

Bolqaymoq (Cream with honey)

"Bolqaymoq" is our old desert recipe. It is usually served with hot bread and eaten dipping bread in "Bolqaymoq" and drinking hot tea. I also use it for dipping strawberries:) or as a filling for some cakes. It is natural and without any chemicals:) Use only fresh cream and good quality honey for this recipe.
250 gr cream
2 tbsp of honey
1 tsp of plain flour
Heat the cream stirring over low heat, gradually add in honey and heat together until honey will melt properly. Stir constantly. Take from the heat and cool it down. I usually put it in to the fridge.
When it is cooled properly beat up well gradually adding 1 tsp of plain flour. Beat until it is thick. Your "Bolqaymoq" is ready! Enjoy it with bread or with your favorite fruit or with any cake:)
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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