Monday, April 5, 2010

Tuhumli du'lma (Meatball with an egg)

This dish is relatively new. It's rich in protein and iron. It will keep you full for hours and gives you enough energy to be cheerful and happy:)
150 gr chicken
150 gr beef
1 onion, peeled
1 tsp of ground coriander
Salt to taste
6 hard boiled small eggs
Flour or bread crumbs for rolling up "Tuhum du'lma"s
Little oil for frying
Mince meat, onion, salt and spices in grinder or in a meat chopper. Divide in 6 equal parts. Take one by one and put one whole egg inside the meat, form a ball, hiding egg inside the meat and roll it on flour or on a bread crumbs.
Fry on a medium heat on a little oil until nice brown color and then pour 100 ml of water, reduce the heat, cover the lid and let it cook until all water will evaporates. Take "Tuhumli du'lma" s out and serve with your favorite side dish. Today I cook some buckwheat for the side dish. Enjoy and share your impression with me:)
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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