Thursday, May 27, 2010

Qovoqli palov (Pilaf with pumpkin)

As I said before, we have different variety of pilafs in Uzbekistan. So today's turn is to pilaf with pumpkin. I like the taste of rice , carrots and pumpkin. In it's turn, pumpkin will also gives special taste to this dish. Try it, you will never be sorry:)
130 gr vegetable oil
400 gr of meat, cut in big pieces
3 onions, peeled and sliced
350 gr peeled and sliced carrots
300 gr pumpkin with skin, cut in medium pieces
300 gr of long grain rice
2 tbsp of ground coriander
1 tsp of cumin seeds
Salt to taste
Heat up oil and fry onions on a high heat until brown color. Then add in meat pieces and continue frying until meat is brown too.

Then add in carrots and fry until carrots are half done, then add in 600 ml of water and bring to boil, lower the heat, then place all pumpkin pieces on top of the carrots. Let them simmer under half covered lid for about 30 min or until all water is evaporated. Stir time by time carefully, not to mash the pumpkin.

After take out all the pumpkin pieces and set aside. Add in salt and spices to meat and vegetables. Wash the rice and layer it evenly on top of the carrots. Pour enough water to cover the rice for an inch or to the first joint of your finger.

Set the heat on high and let all the water evaporate. Check for saltiness. When it's done, mix only the top of the rice and place pumpkin pieces back.

Close the lid and cook over very low heat for about 20 min. After 20 min, open up the lid and again mix only the top of the rice, cover again and cook for another 10 min.
After take from the heat, take out pumpkin and mix all ingredients well. Serve on a big flat plate and enjoy!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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