Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Grechka palov (Pilaf with buckwheat)

I remember that I see this meal for the first time in my in law's house. In our family we usually didn't use buckwheat for cooking pilaf. We use it just for complimentary meals. But then I see that it is very tasty and useful dish, which has it’s own specific flavor, I start cooking it with a great pleasure. “Grechka palov” is one of many varieties of Uzbek pilafs. The technique is similar to ordinary pilaf, just you will use buckwheat instead of rice. This recipe is enough for 5-6 people.
100 gr of vegetable oil
300 gr meat
150 gr sliced onion
200 gr peeled and cut in thin strips red carrot
300 gr of buckwheat
Salt to taste
1 tbsp of ground coriander
Heat the oil and begin to frying meat on a high heat with a ground coriander, until it is dark brown, make sure that meat is completely dark brown, as it will give great flavor to the meal. then add in all of the onions and carrots, lower the heat and add 200 ml of water. Let it cook for 40 min. Then add in salt. Wash buckwheat properly about three times, rinsing with a cold water. Now add buckwheat on top of the fried meat and vegetables and add enough water to cover the buckwheat. To check the right amount of water you're adding, run a spoon inside of your pot-if it runs freely, then stop adding water. Don't pour too much water, as buckwheat will become very soft. But if you like it to be soft then it's your choice. Bring to boil on a high heat, check the saltiness and lower the heat. Cover the pot and let it cook until all water will evaporate and buckwheat is soft and ready. If buckwheat is ready and the water still remains, then open up the lid, set the fire on a high level and let all the water evaporate.
Usually it is served in a flat big plate. We believe that it will help to make family closer to each other as you share the same dish:)
Enjoy with your loved ones!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!


  1. I really love grechka! I am sure I will follow your recipe, bur first, I want to prepare your pilav cooked in carrot juice. I really really like this blog! Thank you so much for sharing recipes & the culture of your interesting country! Greeting from Poland, Ewa :)

  2. Ewa, thank you so much for such an attention to my blog!

  3. thank you for receipt. I am going to try to impress by this dish the parents of my future husband. Wish me luck!!!! One more time thank you!
