Friday, July 9, 2010

Palov non (Bread with pilaf)

"Palov non" is usually made after or during weddings, as usually 100-200 kg of "Palov" is cooked for the guests (usually 1000-1500 guests are invited) and if any "Palov" is remained in kazan (very big crock pot, specially made for oven that is fired with wood) women made "Palov non". As for me, whenever I miss "Palov non", I save enough "Palov" specially for bread:) It is very delicious and nutritious bread. I just love the taste and flavor of it! You will get 2 medium breads from this recipe, but if you wish, you can double or triple the ingredients and get more bread.
250 ml of warm water
50 gr of melted butter
1.5 tbsp of dried yeast
1 tbsp of salt
Plain flour as needed
About 4 tbs of oil for greasing
About 400 grams of "Palov"
Add melted butter, salt and yeast in to the warm water, mix well. Gradually start adding flour, shaping the dough with your hands. When the dough is medium hard, stop adding flour. Knead the dough about 5 -8 min, cover and let it rise for 2 hours in warm place. After 2 hours, divide the dough in 2 equal parts and roll them thinly one by one. Slightly grease with oil.

Now spread half of the "Palov" evenly on top of the rolled dough and start rolling around itself shaping long log.

Slightly roll this log just to elongate it a bit and then roll it around itself.

Now put your bread onto baking sheet and gently press the top with your hands to slightly flatten it.

Put your breads in to the preheated oven and bake until golden in color. Grease with some butter and serve as hot. Enjoy!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!


  1. Wow, I just found your blog this morning but everything looks amazing. I am definitely going to try lots of these recipes! I lived in Kyrgyzstan 2 years ago and spent a month traveling in Uzbekistan, so my mouth is already watering at the thought of tasting all these things again!

  2. Thanks Anna! Let me now if you try some recipes, I am sure they will turn out to be great!
