Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mastava (soup with meat and rice)

This one is our favorite and preferred recipe for cold winters. In folk medicine, this soup (as other soups) is a good cure for high temperature, if eaten with freshly grounded pepper.
60 ml of olive oil or vegetable oil
300gr of freshly chopped meat, you can use beef or mutton
1 large onion, peeled and sliced
1 carrot, peeled and chopped in cubes
2 tomatoes finely chopped
1 sweet pepper, cleaned from seeds and cut in cubes
1 cup of short grain rice (if you want thinner soup, then 3/4 cup)
1 medium sized potato, peeled and cut in cubes
1liters of water
Cream for serving
1 tsp of cumin seeds
Salt to taste
Fresh chopped coriander or dill
Heat up the oil in pan, add meat and fry until brown, add onions, fry about 5-6 min,
place tomatoes, carrots, and sweet pepper and fry frequently stirring until oil separates out. Add rice, fry about 20 seconds and pour water, put in potatoes. Bring to boil, scoop put all the foam and reduce the heat. Let it simmer until the rice is soft and ready. Add in spice and salt.
Serve it with freshly chopped coriander leaves and one tsp of cream.
You can also sprinkle fresh grounded pepper.
Yoqimli ishtaha!


  1. I must notice that in Uzbekistan people usually use vegetable oil, because it is not our tradition to use olive oil. But I know that if you use olive oil instead of vegetable oil, your meals will be more delicious:) I am giving olive oil in my recipes because I myself love using this oil.

  2. Had this soup in Samarkand last week, beautiful. Thanks for the recipe
