Sunday, November 29, 2009

Pie with caramelized apples

I am a big fun of Apples! I enjoy chewing fresh apples and also I love baking with them. Although this recipe is not purely related to Uzbek cuisine, still is quite famous among people, so I decided to share this recipe with you:)
For caramelizing apples you need:
1.5 kg semi sweet green apples, peeled and chopped in 6 pieces
Juice of one lemon
4 tbsp of brown sugar, you can also use regular sugar
50 gr butter
2 tbsp spoons of ground cinnamon
For the dough:
100 gr of butter
100gr cream
1 egg
150gr sugar
2 teaspoons of baking powder
Flour as needed.
Take non stick pan, put the butter and wait until it melts, add sugar and continuously stir while cooking, when it begins to thicken, add apples and lemon juice, bring to boil, lower the heat, add in cinnamon and cover the lid. Let it simmer for 10 min, or until apples will be soft. All depends what kind of apples you are using. Make sure that apples are warm otherwise when you put them into hot caramel, you will end up hard pieces of sugar.
For the dough: mix melted butter and cream, add in sugar, egg and baking powder and mix with hand mixer, until smooth. Add in flour until you form medium hard dough.
Take your baking pan, roll half of your dough and layer on the pan. Pour in the apple mixture. From other half of the dough cut out stripes and layer on your apples. Bake in the oven for 50 min or until it is ready. Take out your pie, let it cool down and sprinkle icing sugar on it.
Apples will be like a marmalade, the pie is wet and smells great!!!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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