Saturday, November 28, 2009

Qaynatma shorva - Soup with meat and vegetables

I will start my blog with the easiest recipe:)  "Qaynatma shorva" is time taking, but  easy to cook and healthy soup. It is useful for people who caught a cold, flu or who is weak because of the fever.
500 grams of meat, beef or lamb preferably with some bones, as bones will give special taste to the soup
2-3 onions, one peeled and sliced, the rest just peeled and cut on both sides
2 carrots, peeled and cut in 5-6 pieces
2 tomatoes finely chopped
2 sweet green pepper cleaned from seeds and halved
2 turnips, peeled and quartered
2 potatoes, peeled and cut in two-three pieces
Spices: 1 tsp cumin seeds, 2 bay leafs, freshly ground black pepper
Fresh chopped coriander leaves for serving
Put meat in 2,5 liters of cold water, and bring to boil over high heat, scoop out all the foam, and reduce the heat. Let it simmer for at least 1,5 hour. Time by time, check on a soup and scoop out any foam (if you do so, your soup will have clean and beautiful color). Put all the vegetables, again bring soup to boil and again scoop out the foam. Let it simmer for 1 hour. Gradually stir the soup. At the end, take out the whole onions and green pepper. Set aside or just chop them and put into your soup to make it thicker. At the end, add bay leafs, salt and cumin seeds, and let it simmer for another 10 min.
Serve in individual bowls, sprinkling some fresh ground pepper and  fresh chopped coriander. Yummy:)
Yoqimli ishtaha!!! (Bon appetite in Uzbek)


  1. al salam alaikom
    i just opened your blog yesterday and i will try receipe by receipe,and this is my first one,thanks for all of them
