Saturday, November 28, 2009

To people who want to try uzbek cooking

Hi to everyone who ever tried or heard about Uzbek cuisine:) It is quite popular among other cuisines of Central Asian countries. You probably have heard about pilav, somsa or manti.
There are many techniques for preparing food in our cuisine, such as frying, boiling, steaming, baking and many recipes are quite easy to follow. Uzbek meals are delicious, flavorful and high in calorie) Once you try Uzbek food, you will fell in love with the cuisine for the rest of your life:) My aim is to introduce you to our cuisine and to show you how to cook tasty Uzbek dishes in your own kitchen. But there is one condition-you MUST cook them with LOVE :) This is my main secret ingredient. As my mother says, you must turn your cooking to art and each time your meal must be an artwork. I hope You will enjoy:)


  1. Hi Dear,

    I love your site, only thing i would ask, could you please put your receipies in order, example, appetizers and soups and main course so rather than clicking on the mixed items on the right it would have been very easy to find the items. You are doing great job keep it up.

  2. I was also thinking about it:) Will try soon!

  3. Never heard anything about uzbek cooking before, so I was really fascinated by your food blog. I looked through all the recipes and bookmarked some to try out soon. Thanks for opening my mind to this. Greetings from Germany
