Monday, January 18, 2010

Baliqli salat (Fish salad)

This salad originally called "Shuba" and originated from Russian cuisine. It is very popular and favorite salad in Uzbekistan. You can also substitute the fish with boiled meat. I decorate the salad in fish shape to give more dramatic look. I love my fish shaped dish:) And not only this, I love different and interesting crockery:) It is pleasure and fun serving delicious meals in beautiful plates:)
"Baliqli salat" is very delicious and very delicate. It just melts in your mouth:)
One can(200 gr)of any type of fish (I usually use tuna or sardines)
2 red carrots
2 medium sized potatoes
2 medium sized beetroot
4 eggs, hard boiled
Some olives and sweet corn for decoration
Boil potato, beetroot and carrots in skin. Make sure that you put vegetables in to the boiling water to keep their vitamins. When they are ready, take out and let them cool. Peel the skins and grate each vegetable separately. Save a little carrot for decoration (for the fish's lips). Finely mash the fish with fork. Now take your plate. Place the fish as a first layer. Spread with 1 tbsp of mayonnaise. For the second layer place beetroot, again spread 1 tbs of mayonnaise. Then layer potato, spread 1 tbsp of mayonnaise. Carrots will come as a next layer. Spread mayonnaise evenly on top. Now grate egg whites over the carrots. Slightly press the salad layers with hands. Now grate egg yolks on top of the egg whites. Cut an olive in two and place as eyes. Put just a small drop of mayonnaise on top of the olive. Decorate your salad as it shown in a picture. It is not necessary to decorate the salad exactly in this manner, use your imagination:) Sometimes I use thinly sliced egg or a thinly sliced pickled cucumbers as a scale of a fish. Anyway just serve this salad as you wish:) Just enjoy this yummy salad!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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