Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Qovurma chuchvara (Fried cuchvara)

"Qovurma chuchvara" is usually made for parties and weddings. It is a good snack and nice finger food. This meal will take some of your time, but it is delicious! Today I cooked this meal while my daughter was singing a song like "my mommy making me yummy dinner, la la la, my mum cooks me delicious meals" :), she is soooo funny! She couldn't wait when "chuchvara"s will be ready. She likes this kind of stuff:)
Usually I make my "chuchvara"s big enough to taste the yumminess of them, but if my mom would see my "chuchvara"s she would definitely criticized them:) She always teach us to make our "chuchvara"s very small. She says "The more your "chuchvara"s are smaller, the more it is beautiful and estimated as art" :) Believe me that hers are really small:) But as for me, I like big ones, it is easier and faster to make them:)
In some villages even there was a tradition to choose the bride according how small her "chuchvara"s are:) Funny staff:) But I think nowadays there is no such a traditions left.
This recipe makes about 70 "qovurma chuchvara" and each is around 44 calories:) Serve this meal as an appetizer or just an addition to the main meal.
For dough:
150 ml of water
1 tsp of salt
Plain flour as needed
150 gr minced meat (lamb, beef or chicken)
2 medium sized onions, peeled and sliced
30 gr butter
Salt to taste
1 liter of oil for frying
Make dough from water, salt and flour. Dough must be medium hard. Cover it and let it rest for 15 min. While the dough is resting prepare the filling. Fry onions with butter until they are slightly golden color. Take from the heat and grind them in blender. Add in minced meat and salt. Mix them well.
Roll the dough in thin flat round and cut 2X2 inch squares. Put 1 tsp of filling to each square and pinch the edges, forming rectangles. Again pinch corner to corner. After you finished pinching all of your "chuchvara"s, heat up the oil in a deep frying pan. Heat the oil well and begin to fry "chuchvara"s. Put 15 to 20 "chuchvara" at ones, depending how deep and wide is your pan. Fry them until golden color. Take out and place over the paper towel. After you finished frying the rest of "chuchvara"s serve them and enjoy!!!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!


  1. Good job Thank you !! Yummy dish !

  2. What a pleasure to find your blog! It is beautiful. I homeschool our children, and we love finding new recipes to make from the countries we learn about. Today, we read about Uzbekistan. We found a listing of Uzbek cuisine and Chuchvara sounded so tasty! We decided this must be what we make for our Family Fun Friday dinner! Looked up recipes and your blog was at the top of the list!
    Thank you for posting.

  3. Thanks a lot for such a sweet compliments!

  4. It is indeed a pleasure to visit your site. I am from Pakistan and have noticed that the dishes we cook here have some connection with the central asian dises especially the Uzbek. Most probably this is due to the Moghals who were central asians by origin. I tried the Uzbek Pilao the other day it was delicious. We also have dishes with similar names such as: Pulao, Qorma, Samosa etc.
    I wish we have an uzbek restaurant here in Islamabad.

    1. Irfan sahib, thank you a lot for your appreciation! You indeed have Uzbek restaurant in Islamabad, it is called "Khiva", most of the food there is Uzbeki food, such as somsa, shorva, piaf, manti and kabobs. You can try at least some Uzbek dishes over there. Good luck and happiness for you life!
