Sunday, January 10, 2010

Koreyscha sabzili salat (Korean carrot salad)

Originally this salad is called "chim chi" or "kim chi", and belongs to Korean nation. As in Uzbekistan there are more than 200,000 ethnic Koreans living nowadays, "kim chi" became national salad of Uzbek people as well. You can find this salad in all markets and almost all restaurants of Uzbekistan. it is healthy and delicious salad! There are some different ways preparing this salad, today I am giving you the simplest one:)
4 red carrots, peeled
4-5 cloves of garlic
Salt as taste
3 tbsp of vegetable or olive oil
Grate or cut carrots in thin long strips, mash the garlic cloves and add in to carrots, also add salt and oil. Finely mash all the ingredients with hands, until carrots will give their juice. Put in a bottles, cover them and let it stand in fridge for 1-2 hours. After, serve and enjoy this crunchy and healthy salad, which is reach in vitamin A!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!


  1. Chim chi or kim chi is a famous cabbage salad. Carrot salad has always been a carrot salad.

  2. Dear, I don't know why but in Uzbekistan, most of the people call this salad "Chim chi":) That was the reason why I put this salad with this name:)

  3. Salam man anchadan beri germaniyada yashayman . russkiy magazinda koreyskiy priprava chimchim uchun korrib qoldim , siz shu pripravani ishlatasizmi?

    1. Men tugrisini aytsam hech tayyor pripravalarni olmayman, tabimga ku'ra har hilidan uzim solishim mumkin, lekin odatda bu salatimga faqat receptda kursatilgan mahsulotlarni solaman, bazida ozgina murch va qizil qalampir solishim mumkin, achchiqina qilib yeyish uchun:)

  4. Salatni "koreyscha" digan joyini o'chirib qo'ysez bolarkan. Koreyslada bunaqa salat yo'qku. Kimchi umuman boshqa narsa. Lekin yozgan taomlariz manga yoqdi. Rahmat
