Sunday, January 10, 2010

Qu'tir barak

Today I prepared "Qu'tir barak", my husband was happy:) I haven't cooked this meal for a long time, so he missed it very much. This meal is prepared in Khorezm region. It is popular there as "Tuhumbarak". The dough is the same, but filling is different. It is also boiled in water and served with the same sauce. Tastes great! From this recipe you will get around 76 "Qu'tirbarak" which is enough for 7-8 people, but you can freeze the half of your uncooked "qu'tirbarak"s in the freezer (as I do so) and use it within a week. Put the cotton towel on a board and place "qu'tirbarak"s separate from each other, and put in freezer.
The dough is same as in a recipe for "Tuhumbarak"
For the filling:
200 gr of minced meat
3 medium sized onions, peeled and sliced
40 gr of butter
5 eggs
1 tbsp of salt or to taste
First make a dough, cover and let it stand for 15 min. While the dough is resting prepare the filling. Melt the butter in a pan, fry onions until soft. Take from the heat and blend onions in blender. Mix with minced meat, add salt. Now start adding eggs one by one, stirring each time very well. You can use your hand mixer for this. I usually beat them with a spoon. After yo finished all eggs, set the filling aside and roll the dough. Roll it in thin flat round. Cut 2.5 X 2.5 inch squares. Put one tsp of filling to each and pinch the edges. After you pinched all your "qu'tirbarak"s, cook them in a boiling water, until they will float to the surface. After they float continue to boil for 3 min more. Put around 10 to 15 "qu'tirbarak" at a time. Take out ready "qu'tirbarak"s and ut them in sauce.
Serve and enjoy this delicious meal:)
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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