Saturday, January 9, 2010

Patir Bo'girsoq

"Bo'girsoq" is prepared mostly in holidays. You can serve it just itself or covering with syrup and sprinkling some seeds and raisins. It is also good as snack.
We have many different recipes of "Bo'girsoq", today I am giving you the recipe of "Patir bo'girsoq".
150 gr of butter, melted
150 ml of lukewarm milk
1.5 tsp of salt
Plain flour
Vegetable oil for deep frying
Combine milk, butter and salt, mix well. Gradually add in flour. Add flour until you form hard dough. Cover the dough and let it stand for 30 min. After 30 min, knead the dough for 5 min. Divide in equal pieces approximately smaller then walnut. Heat up the oil enough for deep frying. Fry "bo'girsoq"s until golden color(Put about 10-15 "bo'girsoq"s at a time). Take out and put on a paper towel. Your "Patir bo'girsoq" is ready.
If you want to serve them with syrup:
150 gr of sugar
60 gr of water
Make simple syrup, adding water in sugar and boiling until it thickens. Check your syrup: Put 2-3 drops of boiling syrup in a ice cold water, with hands try to form a ball. If it will easily will turn to ball then it is ready. Don't over boil it!!! Pour on "bo'girsoq"s immediately while the syrup is hot, stir very quickly but very carefully, don't smash your "bo'girsoq" s :)
Serve on a small plates, sprinkling some seeds and raisins, or decorate with chocolate chips and coconut:)
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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