Friday, January 8, 2010

Samarqandcha baliq (Fish prepared as in Samarkand)

Mmmmm, this fish is just yum! And very healthy too. It is mostly prepared in Samarkand. This meal contains very important vitamins and minerals as calcium, iron, phosphorus and vitamin D.
500 gr of fish (any type, but preferably with big bones)
50 gr of vegetable oil
6 big tomatoes with skin, blended in food processor (if you don't have food processor then peel tomatoes and chop them well)
Salt as taste
Some dill leaves for dramatic look:)
In frying pan heat up oil and fry all the fish on a high heat until golden color. Then, pour all the blended tomato on it. Reduce the heat to low, sprinkle some salt, cover the lid and cook until tomato thickens. Don't forget to stir time by time. Stir very carefully , not to mash the fish.
Serve and eat as hot, enjoying your every bite:)
Yoqimli ihstaha!!!

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