Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tipratikan dolma (Hedgehog dolma)

"Tipratikan dolma" is cute and tasty dish, especially it is good for children and people who love eating healthy food:) You can make different side dishes for this meal, I prefer stewed buckwheat with it. You can decorate "Tipratikon dolma"s as hedgehog making eyes and nose from black olives and a mouth from tomato, today I really didn't have time to decorate it, so you can use your imagination:)
400 gr minced meat (beef or lamb)
1 small onion, peeled and finally chopped
100 gr long rice as basmati
30 gr butter (optional)
1 egg, slightly beaten
Salt to taste
1 tsp of fresh ground pepper
Mix well together meat, onion (mash it with hands before adding), butter, salt and pepper. Wash rice carefully and add to the meat. Mix all the ingredients very well, then add melted butter and egg, again mix well. Form oval shapes with your hands (rinse your hands in cold water before forming meat). Place all the "hedgehog"s in steamer sheet and cook for 40-50 min.
After take from the heat and serve with your favorite side dish.
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!
P.S. From yesterday I am posting only one recipe every day, as we have now a good base of 123 delicious recipes of Uzbek cuisine:) But don't worry I have so many recipes left, so I will be posting them everyday:) If I am not wrong there are more than thousand recipes in Uzbek cuisine!!! So, I have a lot of time to cook and represent them to you:)

1 comment:

  1. Malika, today I have tried this meal. It was very delicious except I chose wrong rice, It took me around 2 hours to cook the rice, but it was still little hard, other than that my husband was very happy with what I cooked. Thank you so much. :)

