Friday, February 26, 2010

Horazmcha pahlama

This kind of "pahlama" is prepared in Khorezm region, if you visit this town somehow, you can find it in every restaurant. But you can make it yourself at home, it will take some time, but it is delicious. It is very nourishing, you will be full with a half of one "pahlama".  You will get 4 "pahlama"s from this recipe.
100 gr of water
1/4 tsp of salt
Plain flour as needed
1.5 cup of walnuts
1/2 cups of sugar
1 egg yolk
4 tbsp of butter
4 tbsp of honey
Make simple dough from water, salt and flour, it must be soft but not very sticky. Cover it and leave for 40 min. While the dough is resting prepare the filling. Ground your walnuts and toast them in heated pan without any oil until this great smell will occur:) then take from the heat and mix it with sugar. Set aside.
Take the dough, knead it well for 5 min, then divide in 32 equal pieces, cover with cotton towel and again leave for 30 min.

Preheat the oven. Grease the baking sheet. Start rolling out the dough pieces, roll one piece and put on baking sheet, spread 1 tsp of filling on top. Then roll out second piece and put on top. Again spread 1 tsp of filling and again put another rolled piece on top, repeat until you get 8 layers.

After you finished with all "pahalama"s, grease them well with an egg yolk. Cut the middle with a sharp knife.

Bake "pahlama"s in preheated oven  for 20 min, then take out and pour 1 tbsp of butter in each and put back in the oven and bake until golden color. Take out and pour heated honey, 1 tbsp for each "pahlama".
Mmmm, yummy! Serve with a hot tea and enjoy!!!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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