Sunday, February 28, 2010

Qatlama patir non (Layered bread)

This kind of bread is mostly prepared in Samarkand. Whenever you visit Samarkand you can find "Qatlama patir non" and "Samarqand noni" and enjoy these wonderful and tasty breads. You can also prepare them at home. Today I am posting recipe of "Qatlama patir non" which has many layers. If possible surely use fat of lamb's tail, it will give special flavor to the bread. I will put another post on how to melt lamb's tail fat and make "jizza". You will get 2 big "Qatlama patir non" from this recipe.
500 ml of luke warm water
1 tbsp of salt
1 tbsp of sugar
1.5 tbsp of dried yeast
24 tbsp of melted lamb's tail fat or butter (12 tbsp for each bread)
Plain flour as needed
Make medium soft dough from water, salt, sugar, yeast and flour. Cover it and let it rise for 2 hours. Then knead the dough for 5 min and roll it out very very thinly, it must be transparent.

Grease it with oil. use 12 tbsp of oil for each bread. After greasing cut out equal strips and begin to roll first one.

After you finished rolling out the first strip, put it on top of the second strip and again roll it. Repeat with the rest of all strips.

Then put it on flat side and flatten with hands.

Flatten it well and punch it with special stamp "chakich" or a fork.

Bake in on a 230 degrees in preheated oven until golden.

You can see the layers in picture. Mmmm, it's so yummy!!! Surely try it and you will say a big thanks to me:) Enjoy with pleasure!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!


  1. Assalomu alaykum ! Saytingiz zo`r!Ovqatlaringizni ko`rinishiyoq ishtahani ochadi.

  2. Katta rahmat, mehnatim sizga manzur kelganidan bagoyat hursandman!
