Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pomidor va rediskalik salat (Tomato and radish salad)

Radish is used in many salads in Uzbekistan, we have different types of radishes, especially famous "turp" which is green in color and very juicy. For todays recipe use regular red radishes. If they are bitter in taste (that happens sometimes) then soak them in cold water before adding in salad.
3 tomatoes
3 medium sized radishes
Fresh chopped your favorite greens
Salt to taste or 1 tbsp of soy souse
Cut tomatoes in small cubes. Cut radishes in thin strips, chop greens. Combine all ingredients adding salt or soy souse. Some people also add sour cream, about 1 tbp to make this salad richer.
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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