Friday, March 5, 2010

Qovurma mohora (Fried soup with garbanzo beans)

Earlier I posted the recipe of "Mohora" which is prepared by boiling. Today I am posting new recipe of fried "Mohora" soup. It is rich in taste and also very tasty. My mum cooks this type of "mohora" when she is expecting guests, she always uses lamb's meat and of course the quantity was more:). She always uses our natural traditional oven which is heated with firewood for cooking this soup. The smoke of fire wood gives amazing taste to this soup and once you try it you will never forget it. Never none of the guests rejected eating my moms "mohora", bowls always returned so clean:) I miss moms "Mohora":(
Don't forget to soak garbanzo beans for 6 hours. Don't use canned beans as if you use them, your soup will not be clear.
70 gr of vegetable oil
350 gr meat (beef or lamb) cut in medium sized cubes
2 onions, peeled and sliced thinly
2 medium sized tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 small capsicum, chopped
3 baby carrots, peeled and sliced
1 turnip, peeled and cut in big cubes
2 liters of cold drinking water
300 gr of soaked garbanzo beans
1 tbsp of ground coriander
Salt to taste
Some fresh chopped greens
Heat the oil and fry meat until brown, then add in onions, continue frying until onions are golden, add in tomatoes and capsicum fry until clear in color. Add in ground coriander in this stage. Now add in carrots and turnip fry for 5-6 min. Add in water and garbanzo beans together. Bring water to boil on a hight heat and then scoop out all the foam and reduce the heat. Let it simmer for 1.5 hours. Stir occasionally. Add in salt at the end and simmer for 5 min more, then take from the heat and serve in bowls sprinkling fresh chopped greens on top of it. Enjoy this tasty soup with your loved ones.
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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