Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"Samarqandcha dimlama" (Meat and vegetable stew in clay pot)

This meal is very healthy and tasty, besides it is very easy to make, it takes time but you don't have to watch it:) I use 1.5 liter capacity pot for 3 servings, but you can also cook this dish in individual smaller clay pots. Just divide all the ingredients to 3 and layer in to the pots. I don't like to mess with 3 pots, so I made it in one big pot:) What I like in this dish is it's very healthy as you don't have to use any oil, but it will come out so yummy! But if you want to make it richer you can put some butter at the very end.
300 gr of meat, cut in small cubes (preferably lamb)
2 onions, peeled and sliced
2 tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 capsicum, chopped
2 turnips (I used one yellow and one white turnip), peeled and cut in medium sized pieces
1 medium sized carrot, peeled and sliced in small pieces
1 medium sized aubergine, peeled and cut in small cubes
100 gr of shredded cabbage
1 cup of chopped celery
150ml of water
Salt to taste
Wash the clay pot. Put meat as a first layer, then layer all listed vegetables by turn and pour water. Close the pot and bake in oven for 3 hours. Well it took me 3 hours in my horrible oven, but it can take less time if you have good oven, just check out every 1 hour. But anyway it takes minimum 2 hours. If you are cooking it in small individual pots, then it will take at least 1.5 hour. At the end sprinkle with salt and bake for another 10 min. Serve and enjoy!!!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!

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