"Su'k oshi" is usually cooked with lamb or beef, but today I tried it with chicken and I really enjoyed the result! Soup is full of flavors, thick and so tasty! I will give you the original recipe and also I will give my version of this soup, you will choose yourself which one to cook:)
(Original recipe)
100 grams of lamb's tail fat
400 grams of lamb or beef, cut in medium cubes
2 onions, peeled and sliced
1 big carrot, peeled and cubed
2-3 medium potatoes, peeled and cubed
4/3 cup of pearl barley
Salt to taste
1 tsp of cumin seeds
1 tsp of ground or crushed coriander
Fresh chopped greens
First of all put pearl barley in preheated pan and cook without any oil for about 6-8 min. It will enhance the flavor and gives amazing taste to the soup. Set aside and let it cool completely. Before putting in to the soup, finely wash barley in cold water.

Cut lamb's tail fat in small cubes. Heat up heavy crock pot and put in all of the fat cubes and set the heat on medium. Melt fat cubes, until they will shrink in size (just like here:http://uzbekcooking.blogspot.com/2010/02/jizza-fried-fat-of-lambs-tail.html), take out all of shrunk pieces and put in meat. Fry on a high heat, until nicely browned. Put in onions and fry until onions are transparent. Put in carrot and continue frying until carrots are half done. Pour in 2 liters of water and simultaneously put in barley. Bring to boil, scoop out a little foam that will float to the surface and simmer the soup for about 40 min-1 hour or until barley is soft and nicely cooked. Add in potatoes and cook until potatoes are soft, for about 15 min. At the end, add in all spices and salt and cook for another 5 min. Take from heat and serve.
(My version)
I used 50 ml of vegetable (corn) oil instead of lamb's tail fat and took chicken instead of lamb or beef. The rest of the recipe is same.
Serve in individual bowls, sprinkling chopped greens on top. Enjoy!
Yoiqmli ishtaha!!!
Just found your blog tonight and new to Uzbek cuisine. But I love to cook and love Middle Eastern food especially. I also do a lot of Eastern European cooking. Make borscht from scratch, that kind of thing. My great grandmother grew up on a potato farm in Belarus just outside of Minsk. I'm loving comparing and contrasting your recipes and seeing so many Polish and Belorussian ingredients and influences (tvarog, cabbage, noodles, buckwheat, potatoes for sure!), and then all the Middle Eastern and Asian influences with the cumin, cilantro (coriander), and rice. I have to do a lot of looking up words - you call buckwheat grechka - I call it kasha, but I'm having a blast. Thank you for all the beautiful recipes and detailed instructions.