"Qozon patir" is very simple, fast to make,yet tasty bread in Uzbek cuisine. It is cooked in crock pot instead of oven or "tandur". It is usually made in villages, with a fresh cow milk and clarified butter. You will make around 5-6 breads from this recipe depending on the size of your pot.
400 ml milk
30 gr butter
1 tbsp of dry yeast
1.5 tsp of salt
Plain flour as needed
Heat up milk and dissolve butter in it. Slightly cool down and add in salt, yeast. Mix well. Gradually add flour and make soft dough. Knead for about 5 min, cover the dough and let it rest for 2 hours.
Divide the dough in 6 equal pieces. Roll out round shape. It must'n be thin. Preheat your thick bottom crock pot, put some butter and grease well, be careful not to burn your hand. I use radish for this purpose, just cut it in half, and grease butter with it. Punch your rolled piece with a special stamp- "chakich" or with a fork and cook inside of the pot. It will take the shape of your pot.

It will start to bubble a little. Cook gradually moving the bread around the edges of the pot. Check the bottom, if it is brown, turn the bread very carefully to another side and cook until it's done.

Immediately after taking out put some butter to the middle and spread evenly to the surface.
Enjoy it and don't forget to share with your opinion.
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!