"Shilpildoq" is made with different meat, you can use beef, lamb or chicken. Today I made with chicken. Instead of making dough and rolling it out, you can simply buy lasagna noodles and cut them in square shapes after cooking. But as always I make the dough by myself as it seems tastier to me:) Notice that if you are beginner in cooking rolling the dough would be really difficult. I remember myself:) It seemed to be very hard to me, as I tried to roll out this small dough into the big and thin circle. And believe me that only few people can roll out the dough thinly and in circle shape:) Even now not always I can roll clean round shape, but that's o.k. because the importing thing is dough must be thin. But for "Tovuqli Shilpildoq" it's o.k. if the dough would be rolled out not so thin, it can be thicker. The person who rolls out the dough really thin and in circle shape is mu sister-in-law. She is a really expert rolling different doughs:) I always admired her "Ugra"s, they are really thin, just like hair. Somehow I will take a picture of her "Ugra" and show it to you:) Now the recipe:)
For dough(if you are not using lasagna):
1 egg slightly beaten
100 gr of water
1 tbsp of salt
Plain flour as needed
60 ml of vegetable oil
400 gr of chicken (I took 3 breasts)
2 onions, peeled and sliced
3 tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 big capsicum, cleaned from seeds and cut thinly
1 onion for serving, peeled and sliced
Fresh chopped dill or coriander
Salt to taste
Make the dough combining egg, water and salt and gradually adding flour. Make medium hard dough and cover. Let it rest for 15 min.
After roll it out in thin, and cut 2X2 inch squares. You will use half of the squares, keep the rest for the next time, just dry them well in open air and keep in paper box.
Heat up the oil, and put chicken, fry on a high heat until chicken is golden. Add in onions, fry them until golden. Now add in tomato and capsicum and stir it well. reduce the heat, close the lid of your pot and let it cook until oil begins to separate, but don't over cook, the juice must exist. Add in salt and take from the heat. It is ready to serve over the "Shilpildoq".
Now boil 2 liters of water in separate pan, and add some salt. Put "shilpildoq"s or your squares into the hard boiling water and cook until they are soft and ready. Drain well and put them on a big flat dish. (If you are using lasagna sheets, then cook them as written in the box, and cut them in squares)Serve the chicken gravy on to the "Shilpildoq"s and sprinkle with sliced onions and dill. Mmmm, yummy! Enjoy!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!