I usually made "Kartoshka somsa" as a complementary dish for soups. I'd like to make them bigger and round in shape. This time I used whole wheat flour to make my somsas healthier:)
For dough:
300 grams of luke warm water
1,5 tsp of salt
Whole wheat flour as needed
150 grams of butter
For the filling:
3-4 potatoes, peeled and cut in small cubes
100 grams of lamb's tail fat, cut in small cubes
2 onions, peeled and sliced
1 tsp of cumin seeds
1 tsp of ground coriander
Half a tsp of ground pepper
Salt to taste
1 egg for brushing
Some of your favorite seeds for sprinkling over
Make medium soft dough out of water, salt and flour. Wrap and set aside for 20 min. Roll up the dough very thinly and grease with melted butter. Let the butter harden a little. Roll up the dough in to long log and put in fridge for 1 hour. Take the dough out of the fridge and cut equal 3 inch pieces.

Roll each piece, putting them on their flat side,making edges slightly thiner than the center. Don't over roll the center (or it won't be puffy). Put 2 tbsp of filling and 4-5 cubes of tail fat, cover with another round pieces and pinch the edges well.

Brush all of the "somsa"s with an egg (beat egg with fork beforehand) and sprinkle some seeds over. Bake in preheated oven until nice and beautiful golden color. Enjoy with your favorite soup!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!