I don't know why, but in Uzbekistan this cake is very famous under this name:) I love this crunchy, crumbly and tender cake which is not so easy to make, as it will take some time. The difficult part is making puffy pastry. But once you will learn to make it you will love it. You can also buy ready made puffy pastry, which will also do well for this cake. For spreading cream you can use any your favorite cream, I use whipped sour cream with condensed milk.
500 gr of whipping cream
1 can of condensed milk
pinch of vanilla
We will need to make 2 basic dough and then combine them together
For the first dough:
4 egg yolks
300 ml of warm water
800 gr of plain flour (and then a little more)
half tsp of baking soda
1 tbsp white vinegar
1 tbsp of water
Put egg yolks in to bowl, add salt, add soda combined with vinegar,water, mix well and gradually start to adding flour to make hard dough.
For the second dough:
500 gr of hard chilled (but not frozen)butter
200 gr of plain flour
Grate butter quickly and add flour. Work quick as butter can melt. Form a dough. No more flour must be added.
Now roll up your first dough in 12X12 inch square and put second dough in the middle. Pinch edges to form another square, like you're making an envelope. All corners must meet in the middle. Now with the palm of your hands spread the dough that is inside of this envelope evenly. Now fold it in half square. Fold again. Cover it and put in a fridge for 30 min. Take it out and roll it in another square and again pinch the corners to the middle. Again fold it two times and put to the fridge for 30 min.
Repeat this process for 4 times more. Yes it will take some time, but each time you will add new slice to your dough. After you've done all this procedure, divide the dough in 6 same pieces. Roll out each pieces one at a time and bake in preheated oven until light golden color. It is very crumbly so be careful when you take it out from the oven. Bake all the pieces.
Now take your serving plate, put one baked piece and spread cream on it, cover with another baked sheet, again spread the cream and cover with another one. Repeat with the rest of baked sheets, each time spreading cream on them. Cut the edges of the cake and crumble them, sprinkle this crumbles on top of the cake.
Oh I forgot about cream, whip cream until it begins to thicken and gradually add in condensed milk. Whip until nice thick texture. Be careful not to over beat it!
Serve it with hot cup of tea and enjoy! be careful, as it will be hard to stop yourself:)
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!
hello isn't it same dought as "Pahlava"?
ReplyDeleteYeah, it is my main puff pastry:)
ReplyDeleteI love it!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHello and thank you for posting recipes that remind me of my childhood.
ReplyDeleteI would like to clarify on the Napoleon cream: do you suggest sour cream or whipping cream whipped up with condensed milk? Thank you, Victoria
Victoria, if you have special whipping cream, than use that one, if no, you can use simple sour cream. I used both of them and couldn't tell the difference, just whipping cream whips faster than sour one:)
ReplyDeletedo u have a video of it??? making it??
ReplyDeleteNope, I don't have it yet, but I am planning about some ideas:)
DeleteAssalomu Aleykum! Doughni pishirvotganda oven nechi degreesga preheated bo'lishi kere (Fahrenheit-da)? Va taxminan nechi minutda tayyor bo'ladi? Raxmat recipe-iz uchun kottakon! napaleoni birinchi marta qilishim, doughsini kuydirvoraman dib qo'rqvoman. Oldindan kotta raxmat! :)
ReplyDeleteTugrisini aytsam duhovkam juda oddiy va gradusni kursatmaydi. Lekin urtacha olovda tahminan 6-7 minutda pishadi, lekin duhovkalar har hil, shuning uchun ehtiyot bulish kerak. Iloji busa ora orada ochib qarab turing. Sal qizargandan keyin olavering duhovkadan.
DeleteNapoleon... from 4 generations at my family... but the recipe is so different!