"Jizza" is favorite snack of Uzbek men. It is crunchy, tasty and very nourishing. High in calorie "jizza" helps to stay strong in cold winter days. It is also good if you have sore throat. While making "jizza" you will see how heated fat will give transparent oil, use this oil to cook different dishes and for greasing breads before cooking. You can also use "jizza" itself as filling for breads. I will later post a recipe of "Jizzali non" which means bread with "jizza".
300 gr of Lamb's tail fat
Salt to taste (optional)
Heavy crock pot
Cut fat in small squares. Don't cut very big squares, it will take more time to melt them and your oil will just burn.

Heat the crock pot and then put all the fat in it.

Put the heat on medium. You will see how fat will start to melt.

When fat will shrink thrice in size and will become brown, "jizza" is ready! Take it out from oil and sprinkle a little salt on it.

Enjoy "jizza" with some bread and surely drink hot green tea. Avoid drinking cold water or soda!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!