"Parmuda somsa" is one variety of Uzbek somsas. It is comfortable to eat, as it is small and handful:) You will enjoy the process also, involve your children if you have them:) That would be good mother or father activity with the kids.
260 ml of water
1 egg
1.5 tsp of salt
Plain flour as needed
100 gr of butter for greasing
450 gr meat minced (preferably lamb)
250 gr chopped onion
Salt to taste
1 tbsp of ground coriander
1 tsp of ground pepper
1 egg, slightly beaten
Some black sesame seeds for sprinkling
Make medium hard dough mixing water, egg, salt and flour. Cover and let it rest for 15 min. Then roll it out, and grease the surface evenly with melted butter. You can roll the dough not very thinly, approximately half cm. After greasing butter, roll around itself forming a log. Put this log in to the fridge for 30 min. While it is in fridge prepare the filling.
Mix well together, meat, onion, salt and spices.
Now take out the dough, and slice the log in equal 1 inch pieces. Put them on their flat side, sprinkle some flour over it. Now roll each circle and put some filling in it. Make sure you roll the edges slightly thicker than the middle as while pinching it gets thick.

Now pinch the edges in the middle forming round "somsa"s.

Slightly brush some water on edges and stick 4 "somsa"s together. Brush them with slightly beaten egg and sprinkle some seeds.

Bake in preheated oven over high heat until nice golden color.
Enjoy your delicious "Parmuda somsa" s with your family, with some cup of hot tea:)
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!
yum... you're the best!
ReplyDeleteThank you dear:)
ReplyDeletei love it
ReplyDeleteAssalomu-alaukum Malika (opa,singil)
ReplyDeleteSaytizi korib judayam hursand boldim.
Shu saytizi uzbekchasi bormi?
Bolsa foydadan holi bolmasdi (demoqchimanki Uzbekistonda kopchilik englizchani uncha tushunishmaydi).
Agar bolmasa iloji bolsa uzbekchasini ham yozsangiz
Hurmat bilan ...
Vaaleykum assalom singlim/opam (meni yoshim 30 da:))rostini aytsam, shu saytni ochayotganda bu haqda uylagandim, lekin biz uzbeklar uz ovqatlarimizni yahshi bilamiz, shuning uchun uzbek tilida uncha ham kuplarga qiziq bulmasa kerak deb uylagandim. Lekin shu haqdagi takliflarni bir necha bor oldim, endi shu haqda uylanib yuribman, balki endi uzbek tilida ham alohida blog qilishim kerakmikan deb:) Hudo hohlasa balki ocharman, agar dangasaligim pand berib qolmasa:)
DeleteSizga kattakon rahmat, men uchun fikrlaringiz juda muhim!
Sizga ulkan baht va yoruglik tilab...
salom, hamma receptlar inglizcha tilda yozilgan ekan, afsus bu tilni bilmiyman. uzbekcha ham yonida yozilganida zor bolardi, kop receptlaringiz bor ekan!
ReplyDeleteKupdan beri shu iltimosni olyapman. Hudo hohlasa albatta uzbekcha talqini ham chiqadi yaqinda. Sizga katta rahmat!
DeleteGreat Job! I love you blog! Currently, I am srudying in the US and showing our magic Uzbek cousine to my International friends with the help of your recipes. Please keep improving it! :)
ReplyDeleteI wanted to know how to make samsa. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI'll try to cook it.
I have came across your blog accidently , and I have to say your cooking is very stunning !!