As I already wrote, I love experimenting in kitchen:) So I decided to make green noodles for lunch:) I used spinach for color and it gave great taste too! For topping, I just fried minced meat and vegetables and serve it with colorful corn, just to give that dramatic and appetizing look for my "Kesma lag'mon" :) Prepare noodles and save some for later use. I usually dry my noodles or just put them in freezer.
200 ml of spinach juice
2 eggs
1,5 tsp of salt
Plain flour as needed
150 ml of vegetable oil (I used corn oil)
350 gram of minced meat
2 onions, peeled and sliced
2 tomatoes, finely chopped
1 capsicum, chopped
2 tbsp of tomato puree or paste
Salt to taste
1 tsp of ground coriander
1 tsp of black cumin seeds
Sweet corn and fresh chopped greens for serving
Slightly beat up eggs with spinach juice. Add in salt. Gradually add flour, until you form slightly hard dough, but not too hard. Cover and let it rest for 20 min.
Generously sprinkle the surface with flour, roll out the dough (about 0.5 mm thick) and again sprinkle generously with flour, just to prevent sticking. Let it dry for 5-8 min, then roll around itself forming long log. Start cutting the log in 1/4 inch thick slices.

Open up every slice, hang them over and let them dry for at least 20 min. I use my rolling stick and 2 chairs for drying my noodles:)

While your noodles are drying, prepare the topping: Heat up oil and brown minced meat over medium heat, add in onions and fry until onions are slightly golden in color. Add in capsicum, fry until capsicum is half done. Finally add in tomatoes and tomato paste. Fry until oil will start to separate out. At the end, add in spices and fry for 2 min more. Add in salt and then take from the stove.
Boil 2 liters of water in deep bowl and add in 1 tbsp of salt in it. Add in less then a half of your noodles and cook for about 3-4 min or less, just until noodles are soft and cooked. Drain all water and then serve topping with fried meat and vegetables. Also sprinkle corn and greens for additional color and enjoy your creative and beautiful lunch!!!
Yoqimli ishtaha!!!
Love the food! You’re amazing. This menu is fantastic, It sure will help everyone who’s looking for a perfect menu like this. Thank you for sharing this recipe.
Zonia, I really appreciate your thanks!
DeleteYou are absolutely the best, I have a hard time finding authentic recipes. Thank you for sharing xo
ReplyDeleteYou're absolutely welcome!:)
DeleteHi Malika, thanks for your recipes. My husband is from Uzbek n we r living in Australia. I have no idea about Uzbek food. Thanks to you, I now can cook some of his country's food. Please keep it up. :)
ReplyDeleteHi Daisy! Thank you for sharing your feedback with me!